Thursday, October 1, 2015

Week of October 5, 2015

Letter of the Week:
This week we will be working on the letter Hh.

Star Word:
The star word and the letter person worksheet were sent home on Monday in your child's red folder. 
In our Skills curriculum, students are getting introduced to rhyming, blending sounds to make a word, isolating beginning sounds in a word, writing their first & last name and drawing (vertical, horizontal, diagonal, wavy, and zig-zag) lines on a vertical surface. If you can have your child write on a vertical surface (by taping paper on a wall or door) that would be very beneficial for his/her writing.

During Writing Workshop we are focusing on labeling pictures and adding details to our picture. We have started a piece, and then added more details on the next day. Every student worked so hard at writing, and some students were even able to write sentences! During the next few Writing Workshop sessions we will be focusing on using our alphabet book to get sounds on the paper. At this point in the year, students are not expected to be writing sentences, but if they are ready... I will encourage them to add more details!! At our November meeting I will discuss your child's progress and detail what we are working on because it is very different for every child!

We have reading boxes that we are constantly filling. Our first few lessons focus on pointing to each word and saying the word that we are pointing to. We call this, "Voice print match". It is very important that your child is pointing to words as they are reading for the lower level texts. In the first few texts it is important that children are reading from left to right, flipping pages on their own, pointing to words, using the picture clues to help them with unknown words, and sounding out their words from left to right. We will continue to read in school everyday but it is very important that every child is reading/ being read to at home as well. 
Your support is greatly appreciated!! 
If you go to the library, you can get Level A, B or C books for your child. If you are unsure, please feel free to call either Ms. Clay or Mrs. Chernis and we can give you more information. 

This week in math we are working on writing numbers 4, 5, 6 and 7. Students have been looking for the "hidden parts" in numbers. Example: 6 is the same as 3 and 3 (3 & 3 are the hidden parts). We play a game called "Show Me Another Way" where I say a number and students have to show that number different ways using their fingers. If I say, "Show me 7" some students will put up 5 fingers on one hand and 2 fingers on the other hand. Another student will show me 4 fingers on one hand and 3 on the other. It's great practice with decomposing numbers. There are other games I will try to videotape us playing that I will post on here over the weekend!

Fire Prevention Assembly
This Thursday we will have a Fire Prevention Assembly in the cafetorium.

There is no school:
Friday, October 9th, 2015
Monday, October 12th, 2015

Town Meeting
Next week we have a Town Meeting for grades K-4. Bucket Fillers will be announced at that time and the recipients for the month of September will be posted to the blog following the announcement! 

Thank you for visiting our blog and enjoy the rest of your week! 

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