Red, White and Blue Day
Tuesday, November 10th, 2015.
Don't forget to wear either: red, white or blue today!
*We will have an assembly at the end of the day for RWB day.
Veterans Day
No School
Wednesday, November 11th, 2015.
Letter of the Week:
Tuesday, November 10th, 2015.
Don't forget to wear either: red, white or blue today!
*We will have an assembly at the end of the day for RWB day.
Veterans Day
No School
Wednesday, November 11th, 2015.
Letter of the Week:
This week we will be working on the letter Ii
Star Word:
The star word and the letter person worksheet will be sent home on Monday in your child's red folder.
On Monday and Tuesday we will complete the last 2 lessons in our skills book. Students are going to continue practicing the 8 sounds that have been taught with this program. All students should now be fluent with the following sounds: a, o, i, m, t, d, g and c. Students will be able to stomp and spell words, play spelling hopscotch, and spell words by holding a sound and manipulating themselves to form a word. Similar to last week, we will also write the new decodable words around the room on a vertical surface, on white boards, on lined paper, with my pocket chart and with the children's individual chaining folder.
We will also play "pass the sound" at each table. All students will need to quickly say the sound that they are holding. This is a game that not only works on recognizing sounds, but also helps with rapid naming which benefits reading fluency.
On Thursday we will start Unit 4. You will see the Skills book (from Unit 3) coming home with "Pausing Points" at the end of the book. You are more than welcome to complete these pages at home. Send in the extra work and I will give students a raffle ticket for every extra page that they complete. We will have a drawing at the end of the month where I will pick a few student to pick out of the prize box if their name is chosen. I will discuss this with students as well. Send in extra work but keep the Skills book at home to see what your child has done over the past few weeks!
Words students should be able to read and write are:
did, tag, tad, mad, dad, did, dim, it, at, cat, mat, dig, dog...
We will also play "pass the sound" at each table. All students will need to quickly say the sound that they are holding. This is a game that not only works on recognizing sounds, but also helps with rapid naming which benefits reading fluency.
On Thursday we will start Unit 4. You will see the Skills book (from Unit 3) coming home with "Pausing Points" at the end of the book. You are more than welcome to complete these pages at home. Send in the extra work and I will give students a raffle ticket for every extra page that they complete. We will have a drawing at the end of the month where I will pick a few student to pick out of the prize box if their name is chosen. I will discuss this with students as well. Send in extra work but keep the Skills book at home to see what your child has done over the past few weeks!
Words students should be able to read and write are:
did, tag, tad, mad, dad, did, dim, it, at, cat, mat, dig, dog...
When we finish our center rotations, students get to free read for a few minutes before we switch subjects. I LOVE listening to them read or make believe they are reading. A lot of the kids have "Star Word Hunts". They try to find the most amount of star words on one page.
As you start to see some of the games and activities, talk to your child about what they were doing in each center. The game that was a hit last week was, "Rapid Naming". We passed around a dice and students needed to quickly name an animal and then pass the dice to a partner. See if you can play similar games like this with your child at home. Start with categories that interest your child and then work up to harder concepts (like farm animals or farm vocabulary) ;)
We will start our Farm Unit for Listening and Speaking this week. Start to get your child thinking about farm concepts, so that they are able to easily understand new concepts that are being taught. If you're going to the library, pick up some nonfiction farm animal books!
Centers for this period:
Listening Center: The book called, Smiley Shark
Reading and Writing Center: Sentence cut and paste: "you"
Game Center: Rapid Naming, What says " ___", and Chaining folder
Graphing: Using candy corn
Writing & Reading
In writing we will start our Over the Weekend writing. I will model thinking about what I did over the weekend and putting the sounds I hear onto the paper. There will be different levels of writing occurring in the classroom. Some students will be able to add details to their picture, adding more sounds to a word, adding more words to their sentences and some will now work on adding punctuation to their sentences. Each student is getting what they need by a teacher sitting side-by-side and giving advice as to how they can make their writing even better.
We always start with a positive, "Wow, you really worked hard on..." Then we start to teach a skill, "Great writers also..." we model, "Let me show you..." and then we say, "Now you try...". This is a good way to work with your child at home. This is how we teach our writing/ reading lessons in class, whether it is whole group, small group or 1:1.
We always start with a positive, "Wow, you really worked hard on..." Then we start to teach a skill, "Great writers also..." we model, "Let me show you..." and then we say, "Now you try...". This is a good way to work with your child at home. This is how we teach our writing/ reading lessons in class, whether it is whole group, small group or 1:1.
We wrote a "Thank You" letter to our Veterans on Monday!
Below are a few examples, we will glue them onto construction paper on Tuesday!
In reading we are focusing on picture clues. On Friday we looked at the book called, The Very Lazy Ladybug and we talked about the vocabulary that was being introduced. We used the picture clues to figure out the definition of: ambled, plodded, swung...
The kids had great discussions about the vocabulary. They were studying the pictures to find out the meaning of new vocabulary and also using the pictures to figure out unknown words. We will continue working on picture clues this week.
Students will practice this with their new books in the book boxes.
As always, reading at home every night is encouraged.
Thank you!
Thank you!
The kindergarten teachers had a discussion about our math program and the consensus was that "1 more" is the language we want to continue working on with students. After introducing "1 less" it became confusing for some students to become flexible with the language. We are going to work on only using "1 more" this week in class until ALL students are able to verbally explain what 1 more is for all numbers from 0-9.
There were however, some students that were flexible with the language and we will work (during centers) on pushing them to work on "1 less" and "1 more" but we are not making this an "end of module assessment question" until all students are ready. This language will be repeated in other units when all students are developmentally ready for it.
In centers we will work on:
You can also play some of the "1 more" games for extra reinforcement. If they have mastered this,
see if your child can also do "1 less"!
There were however, some students that were flexible with the language and we will work (during centers) on pushing them to work on "1 less" and "1 more" but we are not making this an "end of module assessment question" until all students are ready. This language will be repeated in other units when all students are developmentally ready for it.
In centers we will work on:
- writing numbers 0-10
- pointing to each object (1:1 correspondence) as we count in a: circle, scattered, linear, array and 5-group
- rolling a dice and adding one more
- roll, write, tally (showing numbers in more than one way)
You can also play some of the "1 more" games for extra reinforcement. If they have mastered this,
see if your child can also do "1 less"!
We are going to have baskets set up in the room to look through farm animal books & pictures. Animals that have not yet been presented will be in the bins and it will hopefully get the kids thinking and engaging in conversations that are NOT teacher directed! :)
Each day we will have informal conversations about an animal that is found on the farm. All kids will have a chance to come up with questions that they have about the animal we are discussing. Each day we will read books and learn new and interesting facts.
Each day we will have informal conversations about an animal that is found on the farm. All kids will have a chance to come up with questions that they have about the animal we are discussing. Each day we will read books and learn new and interesting facts.
Vocabulary your child will be introduced to:
crops, harvest, pasture, calf, produce, grazing
We do not expect students to master all of this vocabulary, but it is important that they are exposed to this language. They will now have the prior knowledge that is necessary to gain mastery in future grade levels.
Thank you for visiting our blog!
Have an Incredible week!!
Have an Incredible week!!
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